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Projects Include​

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Building Culture Back Better

Building Culture Back Better investigates ways to address the ongoing realities of COVID-19 and systemic racism—and to rebuild school culture to be more effective, equitable, and joyful for scholars and educators. It aggregates strategies and insights from on-the-ground practitioners in school communities across the country as they focus on preparing for the 2021–22 academic year

School Vaccine Hub

As COVID-19 vaccines become more available to the public, we imagine a preferred future in which vaccine uptake is driven by effective local efforts to address vaccine hesitancy. we believe that schools can be the leaders of these local efforts. School Vaccine Hub provides school communities with a central source of information and resources about COVID-19 vaccines from trustworthy medical and public institutions. On this site, you'll find information about vaccine development, safety, efficacy, and possible side effects from trusted sources; research that is credible and verified; and materials about the COVID-19 vaccine for families, teachers, and staff in a variety of formats and languages. 

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LABORATORY SCHOOLS: How School Communities Can Power Human-Centered Design and Inclusive Innovation

Laboratory schools bring together teams of students, families, educators, instructional leaders, researchers, and designers to support directed R&D and generate innovative solutions to pressing challenges. This guide aims to 1) increase awareness of the potential role of laboratory schools in reimagining the future of education and 2) to give educators the tools they need to apply the practices of laboratory schools, which we hope will deliver the benefits of these approaches to more school communities. 

Lightweight Evidence-Gathering Instruments and Tools (LEGIT) for Students with Disabilities

Measurement is one of the essential tools schools use to understand and improve teaching practices and support strategies for all students, yet most educational assessment tools on the market fail to give teachers what they need to calibrate and deliver the right intervention at the right time for students with disabilities, especially those who are also BIPOC or living in poverty. This is Brooklyn LAB's proposal for a LEGIT solutions program to support multi-disciplinary teams to build, refine, and evaluate lightweight diagnostics and technological components to create the conditions for better evidence-gathering. 

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Processes and Principles for navigating uncertainty and adapting to change

The purpose of our project was to reimagine education in a pandemic, and our goal was to make sure whatever solution we developed supported the needs of all of our students and staff, including those who are most vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19 and to the ongoing systemic challenges build into our system of education. This guide serves to share what we did and what we learned along the way.

COVID-19 School Communications Toolkit

This toolkit outlines insights from inspiring educators from across the Educating All Learners Alliance (EALA) and from around the country to create a resource that establishes norms for the communication school communities deserve. 

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Arguing for Agency

Designing and demonstrating debate strategies for high school classroom use and beyond in the unique moment that will be the 2020/21 school re-opening.

Engage Equitably

Communication resources for schools at a time of COVID-19 and beyond

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COVID Student Personas

This interactive website maps out five distinct student personas and the dozens of trusted adults who comprise their circles of support. 

Public School Facilities Planning in the Era of COVID-19 Guide

The “Brooklyn Laboratory Charter Schools Public School Facilities Planning in the Era of COVID-19 Guide" outlines the lessons from the journey to safeguard school community’s health, so other schools can learn from our process, planning, and approach.

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COVID-19 K12 Equitable Response Open Iconography Library

A library of visual components to clarify the back-to-school process, and to present information in a way that helps your community engage, weigh in, and ultimately help hold each other accountable in the COVID-19 era.

Back to School Learner Identity and Agency Guidebook 

This Guidebook unpacks how to develop student identity and agency to provide more equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students. It aggregates the leading research, thinking, and strategies from experts in sociology, psychology, special education, educational equity, social justice, and student-centered education to support educators in this work.

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Success Coaching Playbook

Equity By Design is committed to helping scholars navigate the complex life and learning transitions they’ll face during the 2020-21 school year. Given the financial and health challenges created by COVID-19, as well as ongoing racial trauma, scholars will need support in a variety of learning contexts, including remote, in-person, one-on-one, and small-group instruction. That’s why we’re building the capacity of the full range of adults to serve as success coaches.

Front Porch Project

The Front Porch Concept serves to support the realities of operational requirements for returning to school in fall 2020 during the COVID-19 health crisis. It provides refuge for students during COVID is also a gift to the community long term by providing places of respite from extreme weather events including rain, heat and cold. These front porches are also a way for schools to connect back to the communities they serve by providing information about school activities, supporting gatherings and offering more appealing public spaces.

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Instructional Program Scheduling Map

Building on the Version 1 Back to School Facilities Tool Kit, this initial version of the Instructional Program Scheduling Map responds to guidance on social distancing for reopening. This blueprint was developed because schools are working through how best to rearrange teams of educators and groups of students to ensure that those receiving in-person instruction can do so safely.  

Back to School Facilities Tool Kit

The Toolkit offers school facilities modification suggestions to support the needs of all learners. It serves as a visual guide for schools preparing to reopen after COVID-19 closures, presenting multiple ideas for facilities interventions focused on creating an environment that supports social distancing and other health-related requirements for both the journey to school and the classroom experience. 

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An Iterative Design Project of Friends of Brooklyn Laboratory Charter Schools

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