Instructional Program Scheduling Map

Building on Brooklyn Lab's Version 1 Back to School Facilities Tool Kit, this initial version of the Brooklyn LAB Instructional Program Scheduling Map responds to guidance on social distancing for reopening. LAB developed this blueprint because the school, like other schools around the country, is working through how best to rearrange teams of educators and groups of students to ensure that those receiving in-person instruction can do so safely.

The Scheduling Map explores early directions in staff scheduling, class configurations, and planning considerations for general education and specialized settings, including those for special education such as ICT classroom, 15:1 and 12:1:1. It also explores the use of innovative human capital solutions such as the use of community educators and success coaches to support social-emotional learning for students.
The Scheduling Map, which reflects insights and addresses early concerns from public health experts, students, teachers, parents, guardians, and schools, was developed through a collaboration with InnovateEDU and several partners: Dezudio, PBDW Architects, EdTogether, the National Center for Special Education in Charter Schools (NCSECS), Public Impact, TNTP, and the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University.
We are sharing this at the “solution generation” point in the design cycle to invite you to:​
Share the V1 Instructional Program Scheduling Map with leaders in your school community, reviewing the relevance of questions and solutions developed in relation to Brooklyn LAB to your own context.
Reach out to offer input or propose ways that we might work together to move this agenda forward in communities around the country.
“The Instructional Program Scheduling Map provides a framework to support clear communication between administrators, educators, families, and scholars so that our school community can work collaboratively and inclusively to promote safety, health, well-being, and learning when our school reopens this fall."
"The design process centered around the following core questions: “How might we use the expertise of leading talent and special education organizations to help address the complex questions around school scheduling and preparation during COVID-19? How might we keep student equity at the center of our plans as we prepare for the fall semester?”